Anak-anak pada usia keemasan belajar bahasa, membubuh dasar bahasa inggris dan memupuk minat untuk belajar bahasa inggris
Dan membiarkan anak-anak belajar bahasa inggris di lingkungan yang menyenangkan
Menyiapkan sesi persiapan dan peninjauan ulang sebelum dan seusai sekolah meningkatkan kemampuan membaca, menulis, mendengar, dan berbicara
Anak-anak dapat memilih kelas mereka sendiri berdasarkan keterampilan bahasa dan kebutuhan pembelajaran saat ini, baik dalam membaca, menulis, mendengarkan, atau berbicara, dan kurikulum akan memungkinkan mereka untuk memperkuat bahasa inggris mereka lebih lanjut dan secara bertahap mencapai gol pembelajaran mereka.
TESOL memegang sertifikat kualifikasi guru bahasa Inggris internasional
Pandai dalam: Classic English Adult Edition, Comprehensive, Classic English Youth Edition, Teen ,Freetalk, Life
Hello, dear student. Welcome to 51Talk! My name is teacher Layla Sanders. I will be very happy to have you in my class. Tell me about yourself. Let me know how I can help you learn English in the easiest way for you. I will do my best to make every class lively and educational. Let us make our lessons fun and engaging! What is important, is that we both learn something new by the end of each session. I’ll be glad to hear from you. See you soon!
kesan siswa 7250mengupas
TESOL memegang sertifikat kualifikasi guru bahasa Inggris internasional
Pandai dalam: Classic English Adult Edition, Comprehensive, Classic English Youth Edition, Teen ,Freetalk, Life
Welcome to 51Talk! My name is Cherish Dalton. I will be very happy to have you in my class. Tell me about yourself. Let me know how I can help you learn English in the easiest way for you. I will do my best to make every class lively and educational. Let us make our lessons fun and engaging! What is important is that we both learn something new by the end of each session. I’ll be glad to hear from you. See you real soon!
kesan siswa 5341mengupas
TESOL memegang sertifikat kualifikasi guru bahasa Inggris internasional
Pandai dalam: Classic English Adult Edition, Comprehensive, Classic English Youth Edition, Teen ,Freetalk, Life
Hello, dear student. My name is Ruby Gleason. I will be very happy to have you in my class. Tell me about yourself. Let me know how I can help you learn English in the easiest way for you. I will do my best to make every class lively and educational. Let us make our lessons fun and engaging! What is important is that we both learn something new by the end of each session. I’ll be glad to hear from you. See you real soon!
kesan siswa 12694mengupas
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